Wednesday, July 18, 2012

|Ernie & Elmina|

I had the privilege of taking this lovely family's pictures the other week. What is not to love about taking pictures of children this cute.

Friday, July 6, 2012

|Brent & Rhoda|

A quick but fun photo session in between rainshowers. They were so much fun to take pictures of.  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

|Life is about giving|

Life isn't about having or getting its about giving. When we give of ourselves we learn so much in return. The other week I was a counselor at Camp Andrews for some of my club girls. In some ways I feel like I went away having learned more than they did. They taught me so much about life. 
There are times when I have no idea what to say to them, but then I am reminded of the fact that they just want a friend who listens to them. I don't have to have the perfect words for them when they are struggling with things I just need to be there for them and be their friend.  I feel so incredibly blessed to be able to pour love into these girls lives. And you know, it is when I give and give of myself and my time to these awesome girls that I feel so incredibly blessed. I may only receive big hugs or kisses, little notes, or huge smiles, in return but to me that is more than enough.

The look of pure delight on their faces when they experience something new is enough to melt anyones heart.
They have changed my life, and I wouldn't trade my time with them for anything.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ryan: Senior

Meet my cousin Ryan. He is pretty awesome if I must say so myself. :)

Ahh I love guitar pictures.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I Heart Faces: Happiness

You can check out other entries here.
Photo Challenge Submission